Contact us

We’re here to answer your questions and listen to your suggestions.

Email us at

Please be advised it may take up to 2 business days for somebody on the executive board to reply.

If you know who you are looking for specifically, please add the e-board members name in the subject.

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Frequently Asked Questions

To be a part of the club, would the chapter I joined have to be located in the New England are

No, as long as you live in the New England area you are more than welcome to join the club. The college’s location you initiated in does not matter.

To be a part of the club, do I have to live in the New England area?

While it is preferred due to our in-person events, you do not have to live in the New England area to be a part of the club. All that matters is that you’re a brother of Phi Delta Theta.

Will everything be online or will we meet in person as well?

We hold monthly meetings on google meet and in person events.

If i am not able to attend a meeting, will i get minutes of any kind?

Yes, our previous meeting recoding will be sent out in our final reminder email prior to the next meeting.

Are there fees? and how would I pay?

There are no current fee’s, however Eboard is currently discussion a potential fee.